
A 7-day individualized meal plan is created taking into account your favorite foods and exercise routine.



Proper nutrition is the key to better well-being and even better sports performance!

Every day, the human body needs to receive enough nutrients to stay healthy and strong. Nutrition should include the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, but creating correct dietary habits independently can be a real challenge. Choosing nutrition that doesn’t meet your needs means your muscles won’t have enough reserves to grow and strengthen, and unnecessary weight will stay where it is. How not to make mistakes?

Our individually crafted nutrition plans are tailored specifically to you based on your personal preferences, goals, and your body’s needs.

The nutrition plan includes:

  • Food to help slim down and/or gain muscle mass;
  • Special meals on workout days before and after training sessions;
  • Healthy and balanced meals without requiring large expenses;
  • Accurate counts of calories, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates;
  • Balanced nutritional norms.

Start eating healthily, beneficially, and effectively!

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